These are MP3 orginal sound files of Parris family and friends music.
Franklin Kane's Fist: Brute This is one of Franklin Kane's Fist's songs recorded in a sound studio in 2003. All the FKF music has been written by Frank. Frank (David Malboeuf) is on lead guitar and lead vocal; Derek Parris does the vocal backup and is on bass guitar. Garth Parris is on the drumset. MP3 soundfile; 4.9 MB.
Franklin Kane's Fist: Man-Size Skin This is one of Franklin Kane's Fist's songs, also recorded in 2003 and taken from their CD. Frank is on lead guitar and vocal; Derek is on bass guitar. Garth is on the drumset. MP3 soundfile; 3.6 MB.
Gregson Tuba Concerto: First Movement This is a live, unedited performance (so please make allowances for live, unedited recording) of the First Movement of the Gregson Tuba Concerto performed by Brett Parris, tubist, recorded in November, 2002 at North Carolina School of the Arts, Crawford Hall. The entire Concerto was performed along with other solos (no room for all here.) Brett graduated from North Carolina School of the Arts in May, 2004 and is now the tubist for the Fayetteville (NC) Symphony Orchestra. MP3 soundfile; 8.9 MB.
Vaughn-Williams Tuba Concerto: Second Movement This is a live, unedited performance of the Second Movement of the Ralph Vaughn-Williams Tuba Concerto performed by Brett Parris, tubist, recorded in the Spring of 2004 at North Carolina School of the Arts, Crawford Hall. The entire Vaughn-Williams Concerto was performed along with the Gordon Jacob Suite and other solo pieces; no room for all here - sorry. MP3 soundfile; 5.9 MB.
Vaughn-Williams Tuba Concerto: Third Movement This is a live, unedited performance of the Third (Last) Movement of the Ralph Vaughn-Williams Tuba Concerto performed by Brett Parris, tubist, recorded in the Spring of 2004 at North Carolina School of the Arts, Crawford Hall. MP3 soundfile; 4.4 MB.
Derek Parris: Tunnelvision This is one of Derek Parris's songs. Derek wrote the music and lyrics, He is playing all the instrument parts and singing all vocals on this one. Recorded in 2002. MP3 soundfile; 3.2 MB.
David Malboeuf: Audrey This is one of Frank's songs. Frank (David Malboef) performs all the vocals and all instrumental parts, and he wrote both the music and lyrics. MP3 soundfile; 6 MB.
Last updated: March, 2005
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